I started to get to thinking that adjusting the mortise gauge to match the mortise chisel I was using was just getting to be too much of a burden, and it occurred to me that if I made a whole mob of mortise gauges purpose-set for my mortise chisels then I wouldn't have that problem again! Huzzah!
So I started cutting up oak and maple scraps to make the gauges.
That's when I started to really feel the 'rust' in my skill-set, so I decided I would really focus on doing the pieces up properly 'four-square'. No problem.
That's when I realized that I do not, in point of fact, have a panel gauge which is a requirement for doing things Properly Four Square when they're more than about 4" wide.
Now the current project is a panel gauge.
I have cut the pieces, and cleaned them up 'four-square'. I finished that yesterday. Today is the day planned to start shaping the stock of the panel gauge.
This brings me to my plane till.
I made this plane till about 5 years ago, and my planes have sat on it without complaint for all that time, and never has even one plane even hinted at a desire to leap off of the till.
'Til yesterday.
I used to have my bench against the wall. It wasn't possible for me to bump against the planes on the till because the bench was in the way. Now the bench is in the middle of the room and I pass close by the till all the time.
I knocked my Veritas bevel-up smoother off of the till yesterday, at which point it plummeted down to the (and it makes my marrow quake to admit this) ceramic tile floor below. It was neither a proud nor a pleasing moment. I spoke sternly to myself and told me to give the till a wider berth so that it wouldn't happen again. Apparently I am no better at listening than my wife claims, because I did it again this morning. To the very same plane.

I have always avoided this method of securing planes in the past, because it requires extra thought and generally an extra limb to extricate the plane from the till. Today, however, it was a necessity to protect the planes regardless of the damage to my delicate sensibilities.
A half hour spent spelunking for my old camping gear produced some para-cord, which doesn't look right, but which works fine.
The job is done, the planes are safe, and I can get back to working on the panel gauge. I'll come up with a proper way to restrain the planes when I have more time to think.
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